

Lordfrancis3 is a member of PinoyLinux since its establishment in 2011. With a wealth of experience spanning numerous years, he possesses a profound understanding of managing and deploying intricate infrastructure. His contributions have undoubtedly played a pivotal role in shaping the community's growth and success. His expertise and dedication reflect in every aspect of the journey, as PinoyLinux continues to champion the ideals of Linux and open-source technology. LordFrancis3's extensive experience remains an invaluable asset, and his commitment inspires fellow members to reach new heights. His enduring dedication to PinoyLinux's evolution is truly commendable.

What is Linux?


What is Linux? Born in 1991, Linux, created by Linus Torvalds, is a prime example of collaborative innovation and open-source ideals. Originally named ‘Freax,’ it transformed into the Linux we know today. With the whimsical penguin mascot, Tux, this reflects…

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