
Watch out for the professional certification. Given to the elite members of the group who successfully passed the exam.


Employers want to know that you’ve got skills where it actually counts: at the command line. That’s why our certification is 100% performance-based. You’ll be tested on practical knowledge and skills, rather than the ability to memorize, and demonstrate your ability to do so under challenging conditions.


The Linux ecosystem is defined by choice, and today’s Linux IT environment is becoming increasingly heterogeneous, with many companies using multiple distros or changing distros. Because Linux Foundation certifications are distro-flexible (you can take exams in CentOS, openSUSE or Ubuntu) and you are tested on equivalent skills regardless of distro, employers know you have the chops, no matter what flavor of Linux you’re working on.


Because IT technology is rapidly evolving, a stale certification is almost as bad as no certification at all. That’s why we created our certification exams with input from members of the Linux community to ensure that our exams test skills and knowledge that get used in the workplace today. And our exam questions are continuously updated using feedback from the community to make sure that they are always up-to-date and relevant.

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